On the month of October, Kapitan Tiago (whose whole name is Don Santiago de los Santos) is organizing a luxurious feast. It will be held in his home, which is located in the town of San Diego; more specifically, in Anloage Street.

The guests arrive that evening, greeted by Tiya Isabel, the cousin of Kapitan Tiago. Padre Damaso, Padre Salvi, Tenyente Guevarra (captain of the civil guard), and a foreigner with red hair from another country are some of the important guests that come to the gathering. There is a heated discussion amongst them regarding the ethics of the Filipino culture, Tobacco monopoly, and the Spaniards' harsh insults against the Filipinos. It was also revealed that Padre Damaso has been serving as a priest of San Diego for 20 years.

Tenyente Guevarra and Padre Damaso gets into an argument, and Padre Salvi has to calm his fellow priest.

Some other prominent figures arrive, such as Don Tiburcio and his wife, Donya Victorina

In this chapter, Rizal illustrates the typical Filipino culture of inviting one's self to a party, regardless of one's presence in said party being known or not by the host. Because of this, the host always has to prepare a lot more, causing hardships for most rich people.

Kapitan Tiago's house symbolizes the Philippines - both are known to be very hospitable. Everyone is welcome to come and visit, especially foreigners.

This chapter also shows the conflict between The Church and The State. Padre Damaso symbolizes The Church, while Tenyente Guevarra symbolizes The State..